Film Scouts People

Arnon Milchan

Film Reviews:
Copycat by Eleanor Ringel
The Devil's Advocate by Richard Schwartz
L.A. Confidential by David Sterritt
L.A. Confidential by Cari Beauchamp
The Mirror Has Two Faces by Leslie Rigoulot
Murder at 1600 by Karen Jaehne
Murder at 1600 by Leslie Rigoulot
The Sunchaser by Lisa Nesselson
The Sunchaser by David Sterritt
A Time to Kill by Leslie Rigoulot
A Time to Kill by Benjamin Ibrahim
Under Siege 2: Dark Territory by Kathleen Carroll
Under Siege 2: Dark Territory by Eleanor Ringel

Partial Filmography:
The Devil's Advocate
L.A. Confidential
The Mirror Has Two Faces
Murder at 1600
The Negotiator
The Sunchaser
The Big Short
The Revenant
A Time to Kill
Under Siege 2: Dark Territory

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