Film Scouts Reviews

"Primary Colors"

by Lisa Nesselson

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In Opening Night film "Primary Colors," characters of both sexes express their lusty appreciation for Winona Ryder (or any young woman who sorta looks like her). Oddly enough, the real Winona Ryder is on the jury this year - the first ever such panel to feature an equal number of men and women. And I wouldn't swear it, but it may be the first time the jury has included two actresses who played surrogate mother and daughter in the 4th installment in a sci-fi franchise (i.e. Sigourney Weaver and Ryder in "Alien Resurrection.")

As everyone knows by now, John Tavolta stars as a governor from the deep South with his sights set on the Oval Office. In the words of Kathy Bates' character, "He's poked his pecker in some sorry trash bins." Here we are in France, a mere 28 days away from the World Cup, whose official mascot is a cartoon rooster ("coq" in French) named Footix. (They keep her well hidden but I've heard his girlfriend is a foxy hen named "Dominatrix.") Apropos of "Primary Colors" and its utterly coincidental resemblance to the travails of a sitting U.S. president, it may be of interest to note that per my unabridged dictionary: "The cock was used as an emblem of the American Democratic party from 1842-1874."

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