2003 Taormina BNL FilmFest Diaries
Mob Blog - Day 6
Taormina, June 12, 2003 - 1968 Milo O'Shea played a character named "Duran Duran" in "Barbarella" with Jane Fonda. 35 years later, time has moved on - Jane Fonda went on to Aerobics, Ted Turner and oblivion, "Duran Duran" became the name of a new wave group came and went, and Milo O'Shea plays in tonight's hapless comedy "Mystics" that forced me into serious research on the "Internet Movie Database" to be able to write anything interesting at all.
"Mystics" is the story of Dave and Locky, two old Irish actors that have set up a "make money fast" scam in which they pretend to talk to the dead. Things get complicated when suddenly, the scam turns into reality - a dead Irish mobster starts using Locky as a medium to give instructions to his family for a big robbery. Unfortunately, all this remains pretty bland, despite lots of cutesy Irish ingredients.
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